Finland’s economics are mostly based on services and in the future Finland should invest on exporting these services. The rise in Finnish economics comes mainly from service sector. According to OECD statistics 56% of export increment value comes from services. That number is bigger than the global average but it doesn’t tell the whole story. IT services are the most known export product from Finland where the technological knowledge is on a very high level. There are many well know companies from Finland which have taken over the global IT markets, few to mention Supercell and F-Secure.
Even though the Finnish export has been down lately it gets higher only by taking action. There seems to be rise in international economic situation which could help Finnish economics get to a higher level by exporting and marketing. We believe that it’s important to invest on marketing. When taking over the global markets the company should know the customers and culture of the target country. It’s also important to invest on marketing in the right way.
– Smart Investments –
Sources: virkisty-odottamalla/5fkWStvy?ref=twitter:6dc4 vientikarki/5WG4zZda?ref=twitter:d285